My third case was a very strange one. I had just gotten into my office and sat at my desk, I just put a bag of fresh french fries down I pulled one out. My hand moved slowly towards my mouth, I bit down.. onto air. My fry was gone, my bag of fries were gone, that was strange. I picked up the phone and ordered another large order of fries. I was waiting, there was a knock at the door, "Come in." The door flew open and a dark figure stepped in. It was wearing a long trench coat, a big hat, and huge glasses, and it always kept it's hands in it's pockets."Can I help you?" It walked closer, "I am Mr. F. Fry. I need some help. All the french fries in this town have mysteriously disappeared. I would like to find them and re-distribute them throughout the world." Without even letting me say yes,he left, slamming the door behind it. It sounded easy enough, but where would I start, and if I did find them, where would I take them. I started downstairs, at my door, afterall the Fry Delivery man never showed up. I immediatly noticed ,down all thirteen flights of stairs, there was a greasy salt trail. I followed it to a bus stop, then it just stopped. I got the bus schedule for all the morning during the time my fries disappeared. I followed five bus routes. On the six I found another trail. I followed it through a thick forest to an old abandon warehouse. Inside were thousands of baces, french fry boxes. I began opening them, they were filled with cold stolen french fries. "So you figured it out." The voice sounded familiar, I turned around and there was mister fry. His hat and coat exploded off his body. He was a giant french fry!!! "ATTACK!!!!" The boxes popped open. The french fries were all over, I ran out of the building and jumped in a lake. The fries followed, they became soggy and fell apart, I defeated them. I got out and jumped on Mr. Fry and began eating it. Wondering what happened? The French Fry stole all the other fries, he was fed up with people snacking on fries, so he gathered up the others to eat the humans. He wanted to destroy all the humans. My third case was solved. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 4255 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .