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Please Read!!! !!!I need some Christian advice.. !!!

  Author:  21137  Category:(Religious) Created:(5/2/2002 10:57:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1328 times)

Lately, my life has been very hard, and I've begun praying again. I keep asking God for a sign, and I think that I'm getting them.. but the directions that those signs lead me in are in directions that I was raised to believe were against GOD HIMSELF.

So, I wanted the Christian Oppinion. If you were to pray for a sign, and got back the most unlikely answer, would you take it as the will of GOD?

This is very important to me, so please give your oppinions. I can't put to words how extreem my need for an answer to this question is.. the closest I can come right now is to say it feels like a matter of life and death.

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Date: 5/2/2002 11:16:00 PM  From Authorid: 37900    What signs are you receiving that you feel are leading you against God? I would like to help if possible.  
Date: 5/2/2002 11:27:00 PM  From Authorid: 29216    I completely understand. I have had similar situations. Here's the deal, if it doesn't match the scriptures, in fact if it goes against them, then it is wrong and you shouldn't do it. a TRUE sign from God will match the scriptures! Good luck! Feel free to ask me for advice anytime!  
Date: 5/3/2002 5:41:00 AM  From Authorid: 50678    well when you ask for a sign from God you usually don't get one, a sign comes when you least expect it, the only way you can find the true answers is if you look with your soul, deep down inside you will find the answers!  
Date: 5/3/2002 6:11:00 AM  From Authorid: 16442    I am not a christian now but I do know that Satan in a christians eyes is a great deceiver and will do whatever he can to get you to do something against God. Think about that really carefully when you think that God is giving you a strange message.  
Date: 5/3/2002 6:38:00 AM  From Authorid: 46515    I have messaged you. People here have given good advice. MoonPriestess has said it well.  
Date: 5/3/2002 9:12:00 AM  From Authorid: 51901    Yes,test everything.If it goes agaibst what God says,then it's not from him. You post is what I'm going through. *Starry*  
Date: 5/3/2002 4:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 10798    Rememeber my dear that God will never go against His word. If what you are getting does not agree with what is in the Bible, then it is not of God.  
Date: 5/7/2002 1:09:00 PM  From Authorid: 53387    I wouldn't pray for a sign. You need to have faith, that you are a child of God and that he loves you very much. Remember, evil spirits can communicate with you too. People are turned away from Christianity when their prayers for a "sign" are not answered. The fact that we are here and that the universe is here is sign enough. Study the Bible, get books to help you study the Bible like Dispensational Truth by Clarence Larkin. The more you study the closer you get to God.
Date: 5/12/2002 10:05:00 AM  From Authorid: 39127    And don't pray for a sign, God doesn't like to be tested! Light Thunder  
Date: 5/12/2002 10:05:00 AM  From Authorid: 39127    What signs are you getting? Matthew 212 If you believe, you will recieve what ever you ask for in prayer. Mainly if you try to make your life better, and pray and believe if it is for good you will get it! Hoped that helped! Light Thunder  
Date: 6/13/2002 9:03:00 AM  From Authorid: 39949    pray for wisdom and understanding,read your bible.fast a little.pray alot.hope u find whay your looing for.god bless><eSp911><

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