"What religion are you?" Another kid says. This question too much has been asked of me. Should I say Jewish? Atheist? Not to conform with the rest? Or should I tell him my thoughts, try to make him attest?
"I believe in myself and the morals I use." I say. "I don't understand. Do you believe in God?" "No I don't." I say, sighing. "Why are you such a clod?"
"I don't because no one else does either." "What's that supposed to mean? I believe in the Lord." "If you believe in him so much, Then why don't you listen to his word?"
If I understand correctly, (And I believe that I do) The Lord teaches to respect everyone; That also means me, too.
But yet for being raised Jewish, The faith of my parents, I've been made fun of all my life And it still hasn't ended.
If Christians believed in their God, As they constantly claim They would respect everyone's beliefs And treat everyone the same.
This is my belief system The religion of respect; I hope everyone converts to it And THOSE beliefs they accept."
The kid stares at me for a second; "You're stupid," he says. It's a typical thing I've come to accept When people first hear of the religion of respect. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 50800 ( Click here )
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