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skin art when is to much to much??< future

  Author:  44228  Category:(Debate) Created:(1/9/2002 6:21:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1524 times)

ok well you know i love tattoos and plan on getting a few mostly i love tribals. But to cut to the subject at hand gere i was wanting opinions on when do you think and what do you think is to much or just not right for a female and same for a male i know one guy getting his whole arm tattood black and hes going to go back and burn in a disign just wondering about evryones opinons even if you dont like tattoos arre anny for of body modifycation or anything rant rave talk give me a opinon please!!!

* huggs and lovz for evryone* < future

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Date: 1/9/2002 6:34:00 PM  From Authorid: 28946    much when the tattoos interfere with you getting a job. Same with piercings. My daughter has about 25 to 30 tats and it's too much! She cannot get a truly good job because of the stigma associated with tats.  
Date: 1/9/2002 6:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 28946    The fisrt part should have said, "It's too much..."  
Date: 1/9/2002 6:35:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 44228    penny may i ask you becuse i am only 17 and fully not into the world why is there a stigma around tattoos?  
Date: 1/9/2002 6:40:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 44228    i really dont see if it givin a choice bettween getting lost in a group or people dressed in siuts and ties and dresses or a group of tatood piriced and well ide chose Number 2  
Date: 1/9/2002 6:41:00 PM  From Authorid: 28946    My daughter is 23 and started getting tats unbeknown to me, when she was about 15. The first few were hidden, on her upper thigh and upper chest. Then when she turned 18, she has put so many on her arms and legs that most employers will not hire her. The places that she has worked has her cover up the tatoos as the managers say people will think she is a "biker chic" or a parolee from prison. I think if a tat is well done artfully and in a non conspiculous place then okay. I actually have a couple myself that were put on when I was young and I wish I'd never done it. What do your folks tell you about tatoos?  
Date: 1/9/2002 6:52:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 44228    well my step dad does not like them to each his own and my mom has 2 of them not really that much besides dont get one till your 18 and well ok...i havent yet so they really havent said that much.....my grandparents are bible fast and belive i should not even have my ears piriced....well dont tell them about my tongue  
Date: 1/9/2002 6:56:00 PM  From Authorid: 28946    Just think good and hard about it, okay? What you may like today, you may hate 5 years down the road. And a tatoo is permanent!  
Date: 1/9/2002 6:59:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 44228    yeah but what about universal stuff? like several diff things i want to get my sons name around my ankle......aith a heart and i want to get a tribal on the back of my neck....easy to hide and well others porbley to come...im duee time ive thought long and hard about it my mom still loves hers and ide love to do a tribute to her and get her butterfly or her moon and satrs done on me somewhere  
Date: 1/9/2002 7:21:00 PM  From Authorid: 28946    I've seen some pretty good ones and then there are the others that look crude. Research who will do the art and I'd start out small first. I have a big tribal rose shield on my chest and a few flowers on my shoulder and one tribal tiger on my arm. The one on my arm that shows is the one I wish was gone. In the summer several years ago, you would get the wierd ones that make fun of all tats. Usually the pre teenagers. One drunk guy wanted to fight me at a restaurant one time cause he thought I was rough and tough. Geez! Some religeous fanatics judge me and my child. Then their is a guy that is religious that is covered with tats and is a tatoo artist himself! Go figure! LOL!  
Date: 1/9/2002 7:26:00 PM  From Authorid: 43267    I personally have 6 Tats, and find nothing wrong with them. But, each person has their own view on them. Me, I think that if its done professionally and tactfully its fine. By that I mean no cuss words, nude shots, derogatory or hatefull messages. I feel Tats on the neck and face are too extreme. But if the Tat can be covered up for work or speacial occasions such as a wedding or funeral then be free to get as many as you feel. That is my view.  
Date: 1/9/2002 7:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 16916    Im 16 and I have 2 tattoos and they are well hidden one on the lower part of my back on the left and one on my right shoulder. think its enough when people start recognizing you for how many tattoos or peircings you have.  
Date: 1/9/2002 7:33:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 44228    i indend tpo do all my atts in good nature nothing obscene or vulger just strait out me......tribal mainly small ones easy to hide thats what im gona start penny thanks for your veiws and yes i know that the riligous types really dont like tats to much something in the bible i belive......but however there are still religous people who have tatts kudos to them  
Date: 1/9/2002 9:08:00 PM  From Authorid: 22080    you cant say anything about art but it has to be art if its something stupid like a lil slice of cheese scribbled on your arm or something then thats a waste of money but you pretty much cant say anything about art but certain girls look good with tattoos others dont its just that  
Date: 1/9/2002 10:20:00 PM  From Authorid: 5892    I suppose it is each individual's choice as to how much is to much. And like it our not, that applies to employers and the general public also. There is a certain stigma involved, and it will effect you in the future. I'm not saying that is right or wrong- its just the way it is! Some things you cannot change. I often wonder how heavily tattoed people will feel in the future. I know plenty of peolple who regret some of their tattoo choices because they are no longer the same person they where when they got them. It's easy to take out peircings when you outgrow them- but tattoos are not so easy to get rid of. Think long and hard before you make these choices.  
Date: 1/10/2002 1:00:00 AM  From Authorid: 48858    Tatoos are awesome. More on guys is the way to go. Less, yet more unique on gals works best I think. The key here is to get something that really defines who you are on the inside as well as the out.  
Date: 1/10/2002 1:05:00 AM  From Authorid: 48858    One more thing, I would find one that you like, wait three years and then, if you still want it, get it. Just to be safe. I mean, you have your whole life to get it done, right?  
Date: 1/10/2002 6:24:00 AM  From Authorid: 33817    I got my first tattoo when I was drunk and 16, I then got four more in rapid sucession, all homedone with a needle and india ink swiped from the art room at school. A couple of years later, as quality as they are, I don't care about them. Not that I don't like them or anything, I just don't CARE. I wish I hadn't. I recently had another done on my arm, right before I turned 21 and I'd have to say it's the same thing. You will likely regret your tattoos, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but relatively soon, I'd say. And be very careful. They're addictive. It's VERY HARD to only get one tattoo.  
Date: 1/10/2002 1:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 48097    I'm 16 and I plan to get a tattoo on the small of my back. I personally like the way they look, as long as they are tasteful and they have actual meaning to them.  
Date: 1/10/2002 2:09:00 PM  From Authorid: 33817    Yes, but take it from someone with experience, liking them before and soon after is one thing. Continuing to like it for the period of time that it will be part of you (realistically FOREVER) is another matter altogether. Im not trying to say don't, but just make sure it doesn't get out of hand. You may very well regret it.  
Date: 1/10/2002 3:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 48920    Well you know I have a few tattoos and I actually have one on the back of my neck for all the world to see,I am not ashamed of them and I actually make it a point to show all my fellow co-workers,
Yes I work in a place dealing with the public,and the bad thing is I make $13.00 an hour almost as much as the management,so there may be a "Stigma" surrounding body art in some of your smaller bible belt type communities,but it is becoming a widespread and accepted practice......
Date: 1/10/2002 3:35:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 44228    hey jester well anyone tattoing a block of cheese on them well ok STUPID YOU!( i mean them) but ive wanted tatoos for a few years now and well im gona get onbe ide lik eto get meaning full stuff i want to get my sons name and something from my mom and something from a good friend who has quite a few tattoos but he told me of his new one on his neck and well hey sounds cool i want it on my lower back  
Date: 1/10/2002 3:38:00 PM  From Authorid: 48920    P.S. Future..You know who I am,the one who stood behind you no matter what it is that you did...I was there for you and never abandoned you...
I also never plan on doing so.....Love ya kiddo!!
Date: 1/10/2002 3:51:00 PM  From Authorid: 43339    To me, too much is never enough. As long as it isnt tacky art. I like a man with some skin art and metal through his flesh. Makes em look nice :P
Date: 1/10/2002 8:48:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 44228    hey insane welcome to USM hey it helps if you sign your name after your coment...lol its just a thing but * huggs* and well i like that new tatt you got sounds cool! < future  
Date: 1/12/2002 10:42:00 AM  From Authorid: 9130    well, i have two tattoos and I want one more. that is enough for me personally. My husband has one tattoo and I think he thinks that is enough for him. I think it is all very personal... BUT I think it is kinda tacky to see tattoos all over peoples face andneckand arms and legs... I mean why not just dip yourself in a bucket of paint?   

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