ok,this is just a weird dream i had.in the dream i had just woke up and all this rumbling was happening and police and governemntal people and every body was everywere.then like,the continents collided.and all these people were celebrating and partying.and there were like,these two buildings representing the world.and this is were it got wierd.well in the dream there was a giant bird that flew into each one.a giant bird for each.and the buildings collasped!!!i mean,it was so wierd.then there was like,this giant building that just exploded.it was one of the main buildings.andthis is the wierd part,okay what happened was,there in my dream were palestines(however you speel it) partying!!!i mean,it soundsj ust the same as today.so i was running through the celebration all like,running through the games they wre playing and everything.and tere was like,presidents,kinfgs,mayors and stuff flying around in planes.then i went to this limbo game and two people just turned into buildings and collasped on me!!!!thats when i woke up. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 37656 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .