these may be stupid,but here i go -------------------------------- 1.)go to a store and get something with a giant price tag on it and ask the clerk how much the thing is. 2.)go to a checkout at a mall/store and sit there looking at the person in front of u.then complain to the manager that you couldnt read there ID number or social security card. 3.)walk around a parking lot writing down car tag numbers. 4.)go to a store in the toy department area and grab a barbie doll while its still in the package and sing the barbie girl song(cant remember the name.something like,"i'm a barbie girl,in a barbie woooooorld")sing it for the barbie while waving it in front of peoples faces. 5.)go to the store and act like youe on safari.say stuff like ,"(breathing hard)we are,now out to find the fluffiest panties in the whole wide store!!!!" 6.)tell a mini-store clerk you are lost and you cant find your house.and that you cant cross the street alone because ur mommy told u so.and ur house is across the street. 7.)whenever your at a store like K-mart yell,"man,and i thought wal-mart was bad!!" ----------------------------- warned ya,they sucked You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 37656 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .