Here are some excerpts from the original article:
--- NEW DELHI - Mass hysteria is sweeping India's capital after reports that a superpowered monkey man, with hairy body and sharp metal claws, is attacking people sleeping on their roofs in the sweltering heat.
"People are in a state of terror," said Suresh Roy, New Delhi's joint commissioner of police. "This creature attacks people who sleep on rooftops or out in the open. It strikes when there is a power cut in the area," leaving the neighbourhood in total darkness.
Most witnesses describe an attacker about four feet in height, with a dark face, large eyes, sharp claws, a human-like body, that can move swiftly, and jump up to six metres. Some say it wears a helmet or a mask. Others claim they saw it jumping down several stories after the attacks. ---
One man is dead after jumping off a 2 story building, trying to escape the "creature". This just sounds so scary. Even if it is just heat stroke, people are getting very hurt.
One man was caught last night burglarizing an apartment in New Delhi, he was wearing a monkey mask. He says he's not 'the monkey man', rather that he only put on the mask to be original. I think he put on the mask to scare away anyone who would interrupt him. But, that's another story...
I have no idea what to think of this. I don't want to automatically dismiss it to altered conciousness, because strange things do happen. But, that just seems like the most logical explaintion. What do you all think?
-Underground Tiger-
Here's the link to the full article:
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