I may be kind of strange. I forget to ask the doctor about this whenever I am there, but I have had this happen since I can remember (even when I was little). You know how sometimes you get a muscles twitch in your eyelid (Alot of ppl have told me they get that sometimes)? It drives ya nuts right? Well, I get them everywhere. Not all the time. Just sometimes. Like sometimes I have a muscle twitch in the arch of my foot, on my thigh, my hands, my shoulders... many places. They don't hurt they just drive me nuts. My face doesn't do it though. Just certain muscles, you can even see it if you watch. Sometimes on my hands the area between my first finger and thumb will twitch and move my fingers. It's not noticeable unless I tell you to look, but it just drives me insane. It's like at least once a week, one area on my body will twitch once, then go away for no specific amount of time, then twitch again. This will go on for maybe a day, with periods up to hours with no twitching. I know this sounds kinda weird when I type it out, but I was just wondering if anyone else ever has these muscle twitches. I don't think I'm a freak or anything. I'll get a twitch in my hand and I'll be like "Hey, watch this." and ppl are like "oh, weird" not thinking much of it. It's hard to explain, and now I'm rambling, so just tell me if you've ever had this or known someone who has. Thanks a bunch. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 14752 ( Click here )
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