I had two incident with a solar powered calculator I know how they work but not according to this:
The first one happened well I was alone in a sorta dark room. I took out my new solar-powered calculator and it didn't come on so I kept pressing ON but still no luck then I thought the lights weren't on so I turned the lights on and it worked I told my parents about that and they thought it to be very funny My dad says it was an **** IQ Test.
The second incident was this morning my dad used my calculator and lost the cover to it and I said well did you at least cover it up then he said it doesn't need to it isn't gonna bust and then I said being so smart Well are the batteries gonna run out and he said well yeah but it is solar-powered it doesn't got batteries then he said I think those blonde highlights are affecting your brain we had a good laugh at that. I'll learn lol You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 4255 ( Click here )
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